Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weredog Avenger in Stan

There is a female weredog creating a stir in Stan. Seems she has gone a bit rogue. I don't have details, or a name, but the werenet is alive with chatter about this dog.

The word is that she has gone outside weredog protocol and is avenging Taliban crimes against girls and women. She has recruited other females and female weredogs, and werewolves, to join her operations.

They get wet mostly at night, of course. What surprises me is that, supposedly, she is not military. At present. That does not mean she has not been military in the past.

Weredogs are divided on whether she is hero or villain. She is breaking rules. But she is avenging very evil wrongs. We, weredogs, are sworn not to take sides in human wars. This has been violated regularly over the centuries. But not much in the last century. We do not have a dog in this fight, pardon my pun, between the Christian West and Islam.

We do have issue with humans that butcher and torture kids. We like kids. All dogs like kids. Some of the brutalities performed against children, especially girls, over there, in Stan, has moved some weredogs enough to say "To hell" with traditional dogmas concerning interfering with human affairs.

Word is she severed communication and connection with her pack. That is usually bad news. Word is she has assembled a small, ragtag pack of weredogs, werewolves, dogs and women and is expanding her operations against the Tallies. I would like to meet this dog.

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